To Reach Amir

Alone in his rural house--the one he'd insisted be far away from annoying neighbors--Amir notices the surface of his tea rippling and the teaspoon vibrating against the side of the porcelain cup. He turns toward his picture window. An eighteen-wheeler hauling a single wind turbine blade rolls by. It's odd enough to see any vehicle... Continue Reading →


Holding the wooden idol in front of himself like a shield, the customer enters the shop. Dangling chimes echo in disharmony when the door hits them. The shop drips from its high ceilings to its floor with religious paraphernalia. At first, the shopkeeper smiles when he recognizes his customer from yesterday. His smile fades when... Continue Reading →


We wait,Wait for that rain;Our loneliness is drying everything out again.We trip over splintered and buckled boards on our porch.We writhe in anxiousness for it to pour,Wondering whether we can stand another second more,Considering the possibility this dryness will never stop.We swear we will jump from this brink and flop.And then,We exhale.And feel, on our... Continue Reading →

Gone Too Far and Gone Too Soon

Click Here for the Audio Version: "Nobody’s teeny brain understands what I go through! So just stop trying!" It would have been hard for anyone to resist chuckling at Ed Millard--in a patronizing way--or to at least roll their eyes. His outburst resembled one of a spoiled pre-teen stuck in a middle-aged man’s body.... Continue Reading →


He knows exactly how it will play out: the adrenaline flooding his bloodstream will dissipate by dawn and leave him lethargic for his 8:00 am Civil Engineering Semester Exam. Daren lays in bed and tries that idiotic technique his fourth-grade teacher made the students do when they got too rowdy: relax each part of the... Continue Reading →

So Blue

Cheryl says, “What in Sam Hill--” She wipes away the frost on her passenger-side window. “When you’re a beach lover, I guess there’s no keeping you from it!” She gestures towards a man walking along the shoreline that is across the highway. Walter says, “Wouldn’t catch me dead out there. I reckon it’s guys like... Continue Reading →


He writes a song for her: Verse 1 Chorus Verse 2 Chorus Bridge Verse 3 Chorus Key Change Chorus X 2 She writes a story for him: Attention-Grabbing Action-Based Opening Cleverly-Woven Exposition Establishing of Character Motivation to Move Story Forward Prose Prose Prose Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue Building of Tension Revealing of Turning Point Resolution Denouement... Continue Reading →

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