September Resurrection

It really is true. Time does slow down, she thinks. Especially when you’re watching your co-worker choke to death. Sadie sits down on the stony landscaping next to the lagoon and stares at the moon’s reflection in the water. The smell of the fleeting September summer wafts in the air.  Maybe it was a mistake... Continue Reading →


I dream of Baba In spirals. Before I met him dreaming, He used to stand in the corner of my bedroom Screaming That he had to tell me something. My father would rush in and usher him out. Baba looked confused and lost, But I liked to think he knew something that none of the... Continue Reading →


These waters here be chummed, Got all us Shiners spun. Those ain't just water guns They're aiming at us, son. That there's not a dry run Afore real danger comes. That evil's unbegun, Like where Mister Gray come from. Those Macroversians Keep asking, 'Dum-a-chum?' While you grab for translation, They'll drag you through the scum.... Continue Reading →


Find meat stuck in teeth of glaze-eyed Beasts, Of prey from some dangerless lands, Pluck out what was left from unprincipled feasts, And show them the fibrous strands. Upon seeing these, it'd cause no unease, Save for those with the conscience of rams, To dismantlers by degrees, as dutch elm disease, In unremorseful-laden hands. Find... Continue Reading →

The Bezoar

Was it delusion? Few among us would argue that it wasn't But be assured, their ghastly footsteps came by a dozen In that seclusion With wooded life glaring at me on despairing knees. Leaf unto limb they crumbled underfoot from behind me. First they snickered Not contempt nor trickery did the sepulchral spooks bring. Though... Continue Reading →

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