Day One at The Liberty House

Jerry keeps busy. It's the only way to keep his mind off the self-condemnation. When nothing is open in town for Christmas, (including Liberty House or any other place in any town for that matter), Shift Manager Jerry volunteers to train the restaurant's new hire, Wade, who also says he has no holiday plans and... Continue Reading →


You haven't been sitting in his office for more than two seconds before your boss, Crabtrey, says, "I have to fire you, Wes." "Yes. I accept that. I was prepared." Crabtrey shuts a file folder on his desk and plops it into his outbox tray. "Okey doke. So let's not draw this out. No need... Continue Reading →


“My son refuses to eat,” the mother said. Even though her boy wasn’t a boy, but a grown man, that didn’t stop her from letting herself into his house and calling the local doctor for a home visit. “He says he is abstaining by choice,” the doctor explained after conducting a physical exam and consultation.... Continue Reading →

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